One screen, two learners, concrete materials and a challenge.
Picture Puzzles Free Tour
- Learn about Picture Puzzles.
- Below, explore Picture Puzzles with your staff and students before purchasing.
- These four samples may be freely used and freely distributed.
- The first two open directly from this page. For these you can:
...left click to view in your browser, or
...right click the image to 'Save link as...'.
- The second two are each embedded in the context of a Maths At Home activity plan and open or save from within that.
- Questions? doug@blackdouglas.com.au or contact us.
See teaching notes in
Pattern & Algebra A menu
See teaching notes in
Shape & Measurement A menu
Instead of opening the next two Picture Puzzles directly, as above, click the image to open the Maths At Home activity plan of the same name. Access the slides in the context of the plan. The plan has been prepared for either independent student use during remote learning or as a differentiated whole class learning sequence.
- Garden Beds
- a practical hands-on understanding of all the main algebra sections of a text book.
- Rows, Rectangles and Multiplication
- students become efficient and effective users of long multiplication.
Additional Support
We suggest you read these two brief articles to see how other teachers have begun their use of Picture Puzzles.
- Picture Puzzles in Sweden which is based on Square Numbers being used as a whole class lesson in a BYOD school.
- Picture Puzzles - Rod Mats (PDF) which is based on a whole class lesson investigating halves, fifths and tenths using the Number & Computations C (Tenths) menu below.
Purchasing Methods
- Purchase menu by menu at a fixed price per menu.
- Purchase all menus at a discount price.
- Calculating Changes members receive a further discount on a purchase of all menus.
- Picture Puzzles are digitally delivered by email or from a download page.
Install them on your school server for classroom use. See Licence below.
- Picture Puzzles need concrete materials which you supply. Check Equipment List.
- Access is for teachers.
- Save the files and make them available to your students through the school server.
- Files are for the exclusive use of students and teachers from the purchasing campus, school or institution. Multi-campus schools purchase separately for each campus.
- Picture Puzzles may be purchased by an individual teacher, but the files may only be used in classes taught by that teacher.
- All Picture Puzzles are PDF slide show files.
- Files open on all computing devices supporting PDF software
- including book-readers, pads and smart phones.
- All Picture Puzzles require concrete materials listed by menu in Teaching Notes
- An overview of materials for all menus is in the Equipment List.
- Double click (or equivalent) a Picture Puzzle file to view the slides.
- Use arrow buttons (or equivalent) to move forward and backward through the slides.
- Use Ctrl L (or Mac Command L) to view the slides in full screen.
- On some devices the slides roll up and down rather than slide left and right.
For more information about any menu explore Teaching Notes from the link below.
- Some Picture Puzzles are designed as Investigation Guides to present and extend challenges from the Task Library.
- Others are designed to support the development of specific content and skills.
Concept Learning & Skill Development
Number & Computation A
Years 2 - 6(8)
Based on an array model of multiplication students experience how to know the answers to their times tables. Uncover Counting is used to reveal the 6, 7, 8, 9 &10 times tables.
Number & Computation B
Years 2 - 6(8)
Students choose their own time limit to complete 20 Times Tables Torture questions. Using array images they correct their work and find two ways of knowing each table.
Number & Computation C
Years 2 - 8
Students build Rod Mats and explore relationships between rows of rods the same size. Natural language drives the investigation of fraction equivalence and operations.
Investigation Guides
Pattern & Algebra A
Years 4 - 12
Square and Triangle Numbers leading into generalisation, symbolic notation and other special challenges, including the difference between two squares.
Pattern & Algebra B
Years 4 - 10
Exploring and generalising patterns in words and symbols. Seeing the patterns from different points of view leads to equivalent algebraic expressions. Substitution and solution.
Shape & Measurement A
Years 2 - 10
Development of the concepts of perimeter and area using unit squares and unit triangles as the measures. Includes 2D shape puzzles, tessellation and polyiamonds.
Shape & Space A
Years 2 - 11
Representing 3D objects in 2D. Plan (looking down), elevation (side) and isometric views in the context of 3D puzzles.