Same or Different Shared
In the April/May News (see below) it was mentioned that Cliff Daniel from the Association of Teachers of Mathematics, ATM, UK, had offered an insight in to the reason behind the solution of the Same or Different task. Therefore when we were asked to share the task with the NRICH Online Maths Club, it seemed fair exchange. Their versions of our work can be found in two forms on the NRICH Site.
Same or Different - Primary Version: This task addresses the UK National Numeracy Handling Data Strategy for Years 5 & 6 as follows...
- Year 5: Discuss the chance and likelihood of particular events.
- Year 6: Use the language associated with probability to discuss events, including those with equally likely outcomes.
In A Box - Secondary Version: This task addresses the UK National Numeracy Handling Data Strategy for Years 7 to 9 as follows...
- Year 7: Use vocabulary and ideas of probability, drawing on experience.
Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1; find and justify probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple contexts; identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a single event.
- Year 8: Find and record all mutually exclusive outcomes for single events and two successive events in a systematic way, using diagrams and tables.
Teachers with access to Maths300, see Web Sites link opposite, have the additional resource of a whole class investigation based on the task that is extended with a wonderful piece of software.