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In this News you will find:
I now have 90 students across several schools using the Task Centre tasks for Home Lending. All are compiling a journal of their findings and need WORLDWIDE E-MAIL BUDDIES to share experiences, problems, solutions etc.We would like to add our strong recommendation to become involved with Andy in this learning environment. He is probably the most experienced user of tasks and Maths300 in the UK and his work connecting parents and students through 'maths around the kitchen table' has been formally recognised as outstanding by the British Government. You can read Andy's formal presentation of the project in the Thorne Grammar link in Do Task Work? in the frame on the left.
Andy Martin, Thorne Grammar, Doncaster, England
- If you know of any school using tasks that want to share work via email please ask them to contact me at: andy.martin@thorne.doncaster.sch.uk
- I have also set up a dedicated email address for students to send comments, requests etc. This address is: gant.maths@thorne.doncaster.sch.uk
- Would anyone out there who wants to try this mode of working please get in touch!!!
These attitudes scaffold Maths With Attitude kits, and each kit offers integrated use of:
Kits are available for Years 3/4, Years 5/6 and Years 7/8. There are four kits at each of these grade levels:
Numeracy Circles are small groups of students gathered together to discuss a task, within a structure encouraging critical thinking. Caty is using tasks from the Task Centre Kit for Indigenous Students as the source of the problem-solving challenges. Through discussion and extended written and artistic response students gain a deeper understanding of what they have done. Each person takes on a particular role in the group to encourage them to personally discuss and contribute.
Caty's work is not finalised, but it is producing valuable results. If you would like to learn more, contact Caty Morris at: morris.caty@saugov.sa.gov.au
This task uses paper play money and the story shell of a teller at the First Mathematical Bank to pose challenges about the way change has been given to Clients A, B, C, D. The presence of the material means that all the challenges can be solved concretely (albeit in some cases with a little difficulty), but the iceberg of the task is its link to the solution of simultaneous equations.The task is listed in the latest catalogue, which you can find in the Documents link.
Keep smiling,