1,472 tasks placed in schools during March. Around 265,438 placed since the project began in June 1992. |
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Pentagon Triangles
MOTM Opportunities | MWA & Home Schooling | John's Original Sphinx
Size 100 Sphinx! | Review of MWA 3/4
Matt's Mat Slide Show |
Indigenous Students Working Mathematically
We've had a great deal of fun and learning with a number of the tasks already. The kids surprise me with their answers and intuition. It sure is bringing maths to life for all of us!Another area where MWA might be particularly useful is Hospital Schools. If you know anyone working in this area you might like to retell Jan's story.Recently we did the Highest Number task and discovered it was helpful to involve a greater number of people than just our family of 4 to set up the Stem and Leaf Graph and so we did. Our kids absolutely love recording statistics and the Highest Number task took them to the next step by encouraging ideas on how those statistics could be used to make decisions. I could see the kids felt a sense of purpose about the exercise as it became a real world experience.
Interestingly, I was chatting with a retired school teacher recently who was a bit fascinated to see our task kits and she bemoaned the fact that our local schools had gone away from these activities and become too "worksheet" oriented. As a relief teacher she now revels in being able to introduce the hands on style of teaching without feeling too many restraints!
I'm so impressed, that I admit to raving about it to all and sundry. I've just made contact with a home-school family living on a cattle station near Kununurra and my introductory email spent about two paragraphs talking about Maths With Attitude!
Thanks Doug and keep up the good work in bringing Math and thinking skills to our young generation (and the older generations too) as we learn along together!
Jan Smith
The fascination of the Sphinx seems to be in the way it replicates itself - 4 Sphinxes make a Sphinx is the starting point. Are there other shapes which behave this way? Certainly.
John has donated some work from an old notebook which might start you off on the hunt. See the Sphinx Album link on the left.
You are invited to contribute to this review process. Have you found any typos or other errors which need correcting? Is there any part of the manual you found unclear? Any other comments you could make would be welcome. Contact Doug. Williams:
The intention of the workshop will be to tell stories from Indigenous classrooms and stories about Indigenous students to uplift, resource and encourage participants who are working with Indigenous students.
If you have been involved in Indigenous learning using the Task Centre materials and related resources and have been excited about the developments you have seen in your students, please send text, photos, scans etc. with permission for us to use the information. Anything from a paragraph to an encyclopedia would be welcome.
USA readers take note. We know that our Indigenous material has been used in some of your schools too, so let's hear some of your stories.
Keep smiling,