Number & Computation
Years 3 & 4
Maths With Attitude is designed to help teachers of Years 3 - 10 create
happy, healthy, cheerful, productive, inspiring classrooms in which their students learn to work like mathematicians. Each kit has collected a great deal of wisdom from trial teachers which is available through the Manual, Task Cameos and Maths300 lesson plans and software.
This Number & Computation kit offers 10 weeks work in each of Years 3 & 4.
The tasks used are:
- Challenge
- Consecutive Sums
- Criss-Cross Numbers
- Crosses
- Domino Trails
- Eric The Sheep
- Guessing Colours Game
- Highest Number 1
- How Many Beans?
- Make The Whole
- Nim
- Rectangle Fractions
- Rod Mats
- Row Points
- Soft Drink Crates
- Truth Tiles
- Truth Tiles 2
- What's It Worth?
- Which Floor
- Window Frames
The Maths300 lessons used are:
- Domino Trails
- Eric The Sheep
- Highest Number
- Hunting For Stars
- Make A Million
- Nine & Over
- Rectangle Fractions
- Spiders & Ants
- Tackling Times Tables
- Take Away Of The Day
- Trial, Record & Improve
- Truth Tiles
The lessons that include software are:
Highest Number
Hunting For Stars
Make A Million
Nine & Over
- Rectangle Fractions
- Tackling Times Tables
- Truth Tiles