Recording at Settlebeck High School

Year 7
Settlebeck High School, Sedbergh, UK

In this small rural high school the staff of 2 (John Hancock & Janet Oughton) make a point of teaching in mixed ability classes. The focus of all lessons is on communicating mathematics - peer to peer, teacher to student, student to teacher. For example, when working on whole class investigations from Maths300, all draft reports are peer-reviewed and corrected before submission. Students have become confident and articulate in discussing mathematics and seem to enjoy problem-solving challenges.

Green Line

Journal pages below were recorded during the first two periods of the first time students used Tasks. Things will develop from here. When they opened a Task bag, students were asked to:

  • Count - to check the materials were all there
  • Read - through the card to make sure they understood what was being asked
  • Try - what the card was asking
  • Record - significant information as they tried
  • Ask - their partner, a colleague, the teacher if they needed help

Green Line
Follow this link to Task Centre Home page.